Somehow, it doesn't feel like how everyone makes it out to be.

I'm not jumping for joy...
I'm not taken unaware with a shock...
I'm not itching to go let everyone know...
I'm not worried and afraid of the unknowns ahead...

...if anything, I'm relieved and just somewhat satisfied... for now.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Anytime now

Routine check, 3 weeks to actual due date.
It seems some "calcification" has started showing up in the placenta as seen in the scans. Doctor says, "Come back next week for another scan. If there's more, he'll have to come early... unless he already makes an early exit even before next Saturday's check. Here's the letter of admission just in case."

Oh! Panic! What to do? We'll have to start packing already! 

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