Somehow, it doesn't feel like how everyone makes it out to be.

I'm not jumping for joy...
I'm not taken unaware with a shock...
I'm not itching to go let everyone know...
I'm not worried and afraid of the unknowns ahead...

...if anything, I'm relieved and just somewhat satisfied... for now.

Friday, June 25, 2010

It's Mr. Tiger Chin! opposed to Miss Tigress Chin, in the year of the Tiger.

No, we haven't chosen a name yet, and yes it's highly unlikely to be "Tiger". Seems quite active most of the time too. We've also been feeling his kicks and moves on our own, and sometimes it does feel like we're sending morse code messages both ways across the belly!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Second trimester

I was only away for 5 nights and suddenly the bulge has become so noticeable! Probably just a combination of a very full meal, some gas, and of course our growing newcomer. From 49kg a month ago to 50kg now, if it isn't extra body-fat, all that 1kg is probably just in one place.

At least we're past the perpetual sleepyness and tiredness of the first trimester now and appetite (of all sorts) has returned ;)