Somehow, it doesn't feel like how everyone makes it out to be.

I'm not jumping for joy...
I'm not taken unaware with a shock...
I'm not itching to go let everyone know...
I'm not worried and afraid of the unknowns ahead...

...if anything, I'm relieved and just somewhat satisfied... for now.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Oh no! Thick books....

I've always had an aversion to books, especially thick books with mostly text. GF picked the Dr.Sears "The Pregnancy Book" at Popular Bookstore after browsing through a few, and Karen my sister in-law passed us "What to Expect" which she used herself 3 years ago.

Since I can't read Chinese text, we don't fight over who reads which book at nights.
The "Guide to a healthy pregnancy" is an EnfaMama info-guide, laden with subtle hints that the nutrients you need through each period can be found in their various products. Good info, but we'll pass on the EnfaMama

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